There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. *Open eyes* Blast. I’m still here. It must be these measly brown boots that aren’t filling the magic those ruby slippers could pull off. Luckily for me, Marlowe isn’t an alternate dream world accessible through a magical yellow brick road filled with flying monkeys, but simply a short walk away. And that’s good news, because this place is sure to become my new home. Just what you’d expect in your own casa, this place throws a comfortable yet kicked up ambiance we all strive for between our own four walls, tons of delicious wine (let’s be honest: a must-have for any home of mine…almost more important than the four walls themselves) and roommates - in the form of waiters - that keep you guessing just what on earth is going to happen next. At our latest Where-To-Wednesday adventure at Marlowe on February 29th, we got all that and more. Many thanks to our latest newbie Jen for planning this adventure, that was enjoyed by myself, Elizabeth, Neva, Terra, Leala, Becky, Bree, Erika and Melissa. So…what crazy other antics were witnessed at Marlowe during our 13th adventure? You’ll see, my pretty. 0/10 scale as always…read on to see how it tipped.
Ambiance 9: Big things come in small packages. Hershey kisses, munchkins (those guys sure can sing), and Marlowe. Tiny as it may be, Marlowe sure offers a packing punch of goodness. Embracing a rustic chic feel, Marlowe’s décor mixes sophisticated dark wood with the laidback feel of straw wicker chairs. Chalkboard drawings of animals adorn one of the walls, while a handwritten list of specials is displayed upon a large beige roll of oversized paper, welcoming patrons to the restaurant. Showcasing a sleek architecture, Marlowe definitely exudes a modern feel, harnessed in the straight, rigid lines found defining every table and chair. Exposed air ducts reminds you that you’re in the heart of SOMA, and gives a nod to the industrial feel so many building in this area embrace. Although one can appreciate the contemporary placement of the décor, the beam that is oh-so awkwardly placed from one end of the ceiling to the middle of the communal table, leaves me scratching my head. Aren’t communal tables hard enough? Why throw a beam in the middle of it to complicate seeing the person across from you and beg the awkward question of where you sit with your oversized party, at a table with no real defined seating? I realize I’ll never have answers to these questions, but I’ll never let that stop me from asking them. My advice? Grab a seat at the bar, a real true table, or an end seat at that tricky little communal table that punishes those middle seaters.
Wine 8: If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. (Yes, a mantra for life, but even more so when wine is involved) It’s true, we were off to a rough start. A mix-up with the wine glasses, led to the Grenache Carignan from Languedoc France and the Three Zinfandel from California, being switched and served to the wrong person. Our girls – ever the open minds – took it in stride and embraced their surprises whole heartedly, opting to keep those choices for the next round. I, myself started with my go-to wine to ease into the night: Sauvignon Blanc, opting for the Brancott Estate from New Zealand. Although it was crisp, this Sauvignon Blanc was quite acidic, with a tangy green-apple bite to it and a bitter finish…as if you were taking a bite of fruit that’s not quite ripe just yet. It wasn’t long before I moved along to the Domaine Michel Caillot Chardonnay from Burgundy, France – which was a huge improvement. Soft and clean, with a hint of warm, sweet honeysuckle, this was a perfect accompaniment to the meal, to give just enough of its own flavor, leaving the food to do the real talking. Moving on to reds, a few of us opted for the La Petite Ferme Cab from South Africa, and with the first swig, my taste buds thanked me with a standing ovation. This was easily my favorite of the night. With soft hints of floral mixed with a smooth, velvety chocolate that created depth within every sip, this one was a winner.
Food 9: I scratched something down on my note paper that either said amore or amazing, but either way…it’s right. Tempted with what looked like so many delicious choices which we would quickly find out were indeed so, we quickly scratched off the plates that make you check your sharing skills at the door: salad, soup, “a” deviled egg, three oysters, and a partridge in a pear tree. Otherwise, the dish was ordered, devoured, and in some instances…ordered right on over again.
- Brussels Sprout Chips: Is it me, or did those crazy people over at the Brussels sprout PR firm really do their job this year? Brussels Sprouts are literally sprouting up on every menu I flip over. And I’m not complaining, I mean, they’re freaking delicious but I’m just curious. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next time I hit the cinema, these things are hanging out right next to the popcorn stand. And you know what? I think I’d opt for the Brussels Sprout Chips. Perfectly done – not too crispy with just the right amount of chew to them, and lightly dusted with sea salt they were the perfect start to the meal. Seriously, watch out popcorn.
- DiStefano Burrata: By God. People DO live under rocks and I must be under one of them. Burrata. This term I’ve heard in passing several time but embarrassingly enough, I’ve never really bothered to look up exactly what it is. Smile and nod, smile and nod. I’ll be the first to admit that. But if I had taken two seconds to look up just exactly what this dish is, I would have found: “mozzarella and cream." Followed by “amazing. Order this everywhere you can. Starting yesterday.” Doh! Learning from my mistakes, I’ll tell you, if you haven’t had a bite of this piece of heaven, do yourself a favor. Order this and bring it back to your rock for later.
- Twice Baked Dungeness Crab Souffle: Light and delicate in texture, but rich in flavor this dish could give Mac & Cheese a run for its money. But Mac and cheese could afford it…I think it has the same PR firm as Brussels.
- Warm Marinated Mussel and Monterey Calamari Toasts: Whew, that’s a mouthful. A good one for me, but not so for many of the girls. Served on a grilled baguette, the mussel and calamari were served with garlic aioli, a touch of lemon and sea salt. The verdict was that it was a bit fishy and too salty. I actually liked the dish, and thought that the toast gave some depth to the tangy delicate fish but hey – to each her own.
- Marlowe Burger: I’ve given up cussing for the time being, but if I hadn’t, you can guess what kind of positive profanity would be leading this post. The burger here is what seems to be, a legend. Think of it as the shot heard ‘round the world, except that San Francisco is your world and you can actually eat the shot. Pretty nifty daydream I have here, isn’t it? Well, not to be confused with ANY other burger, the geniuses at Marlowe attached their name right to the burger. (I really need to locate this PR firm). And I can see why. This might just be one of the best burgers I’ve ever had. Rich, juicy and succulent, the burger – excuse me – the Marlowe Burger was topped with caramelized onion, cheddar, bacon and horseradish aioli. To. Die. For.
- Grilled Niman Pork Chop: One word: phenomenal. The pork chop was tender, juicy and cooked to perfection. Served with thick huge slices and lightly salted, it was delicious.
- Steak Tartare: If you ever need a trip to France without the hassle of airlines, this dish can do the trick. Served on a bed of greens, the steak tartare held a light, delicate consistency yet a little rich in taste, with hints of onion and pepper kicking in some spice. A poached quail egg served on top to be mixed, added a richness to the dish. Crostini were served alongside for easy sharing. Delicious! Just like the burger...sans the bloat.
- Seared Hawaiian Tombo Tuna: Extremely fresh and delicious this dish was a definite crowd pleaser. And again…thick cuts. Nods and smiles to the chef. Served with a side of cous cous and candied olives, it added a rich and savory taste against the delicate tuna. Perfect tombo combo. Anyone?
- Smoky Cauliflower Gratin: If there was a fail of night, this was it. Packed with aged provolone and smoked cheddar, the dish was almost too cheesy. was too cheesy. I was on such a positive roll…the fail is hard to give but…FAIL.
- Anson Mills Polenta: I think we ordered 45 of these. Maybe 46. I lost count. Either way, I think everyone had their fair of it. Served with wild mushrooms, parmesan and a poached egg, this dish was complex in taste but simply delightful. Flawlessly balancing a rich, savory flavor, with an overall fresh feel with every bite – this dish was a winner.
- Brown Butter Brussels Sprouts – For the record, and in case you nodded off earlier, this is the SECOND Brussels sprouts dish on the menu. We may be pushing it here folks. After originally being told that they were out of this dish but then miraculously finding a last one (which now makes me wonder…) we had high expectations. What is this mystery dish that everyone in the restaurant has seemed to order your kitchen right out of? And yet, we were sorely disappointed. Perhaps I’m being harsh, since our expectations were set so high, however, the dish was just average. The Brussels sprouts were browned and flavored with lemon and lightly salted. They were a bit tart and missed the mark with a one-dimensional flavor. Zero Zero still has a stronghold on these puppies.
- Poulet Vert – Allow me to translate: chicken. And yes, I can see why it’s not just called “chicken.” The dish even just looks fancy shmancy. The presentation is mouth-watering in itself, until you take a bite of the chicken…and forget all about the presentation because you’ve died and gone to heaven. The serving size is pretty big, and the dish does not disappoint. A lightly crispy skin, gives way to tender, juicy meat inside. A must-order.
- Tuna Conserva & Proscuitto di Parma: Think of this as spruced up lettuce wraps. The smooth light tuna mixed with spicy radicchio creates a nice contrast in taste. And the crispy celery and arugula add interesting textures to the dish, to create a little party in your mouth.
Dessert: Are we still hungry? Check. All of the desserts? Check, check.
- TCHO Chocolate Cream Pie: Why oh why do I choose now to give up chocolate? With a heavy heart and a drooling mouth, I had to get someone else’s review of this dish: Very rich, the pie featured a chocolate mousse with cocoa nib and oreo crumble on top. Are you happy now? Good, because I’m hungry. For chocolate. Uh oh.
- Strawberry & Rhubarb Crisp: Served in a jar filled with vanilla ice cream, this dish is then topped with a tart strawberry and rhubarb crisp – creating a perfect harmony of flavors.
- Vanilla Bean Panna Cotta Affogato: This dish is just fun to say. Affogato. I’m just going to start saying this the next time I forget something. But unfortunately, the fun stops there. I’m not sure if there was a mishap with the jello in the kitchen, but this had much too heavy of a gelatin taste. I know what you’re thinking, how would you know how gelatin tastes? You just know. And…its not good. Order a 47th Polenta and call it a night.
Price 8: Averaging out at about $70 each, it was relatively average…especially given the 46 orders of polenta. A priceless dish, I’ll never complain about that. Speaking of, can I get another order for delivery?
Noise Level 7.5: Given the small, packed nature of the restaurant, the acoustics aren’t the best for a serious conversation (read: not a break-up spot. Unless you want to continue repeating the answer to: “You’re breaking up with WHO??” Cue the crying.), but easy for low key get-togethers and groups cognizant that in here, we may need to use our “outdoor voices”.
Service 7: There’s Jeckel, there’s Hyde, and then there was our waiter. I’m not sure if he loved us or hated us, but he sure kept us guessing. The evening began with an air of arrogance, as unrequested opinions were thrown our way on the dishes. Then, a little bit of a wine fiasco. My wine was – gasp – forgotten (I know, I don’t want to talk about it; therapy should commence soon), while others had their wine mixed up and good thing their taste buds were doing their job, because they figured out the switcheroo on their own. A quick look at the menu and what we had ordered, and we were scratching our heads. Where was everything else we had ordered? When we inquired, our waiter informed us it would be coming out with the main meal. Was that the plan all along or was it the “revised” plan because we noticed a few missing dishes in what otherwise would have been a messy table of “who knows what we got” dishes…no, we pay attention. Do you see my pages of notes here? But we’ll give him the benefit of the doubt on that. They were technically ‘sides.’ Luckily, mid-meal our waiter suddenly became much more agreeable. Maybe we grew on him…or maybe the wine from my “forgotten” glass started to kick in. (Kidding! Kind of…unless you can prove it, then I’m not). The mistakes were comped, he inquired on our thoughts of the meal, and a complete 180 spun us around to really liking the guy. So there you go: food, drinks and the caliber of life learnings typically reserved for a PBS special. You can sleep easy tonight, friends.
All About The Area: Sandwiched between the Cal Train station and…let’s call a spade a spade..NOTHING, it definitely presents an awkward area to travel for dinner…or lunch for that matter. Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore. Although, with a Safeway across the street and a Walgreens next door as a worst case scenario, the block has you covered if your dining experience here doesn’t pan out. In true SOMA form, Marlowe is nestled quietly on a block laden with warehouse façades housing various businesses. The area definitely seems more industrial than a welcoming neighborhood to leisurely stroll in after your dinner, so bring cab money to head somewhere a little more bustling afterwards…or prepare to get crazy at Walgreens.
Overall Grade: 8.0
So…what will our next adventure hold? Well you little anxious reader you. Stay on the edge of your seat…because the next Where-To-Wednesday is coming soon! Planned by our newbie Leala, we couldn’t be more excited to celebrate our 13th adventure! Are you still on the edge of your seat? Getting antsy? No worries…we’ve got you covered. Check out some of our past adventures while you wait. As always…join us, and “tweet” us, and “like” us – OH MY!
Brussels Sprout Chips |
DiStefano Burrata |
Twice Baked Dungeness Crab Souffle |
Warm Marinated Mussel & Monterey Calamari Toasts |
Marlowe Burger |
Grilled Niman Pork Chop |
Steak Tartare |
Seared Hawaiian Tombo Tuna |
Smoky Cauliflower Gratin |
Anson Mills Polenta |
Brown Butter Brussles Sprouts |
Poulet Vert |
Tuna Conserva & Proscuitto di Parma |
TCHO Chocolate Cream Pie |
Strawberry & Rhubarb Crisp |
Vanilla Bean Panna Cotta Affogato |
Specials Menu - hanging in the restaurant (hey, everyone makes mistakes) |
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